Events and Webinars
There’s plenty to learn about IT, and we have plenty to teach you.
Brock IT hosts events and webinars designed to teach you the latest in information technology. If you’re curious about how IT works, or want to improve your IT infrastructure, we can show you all the industry has to offer.
Tuesday April 22, 2025
While prevention is the best option, this webinar covers what to do if a breach occurs. Key topics include what constitutes a breach, immediate actions in case of a breach, and the evolving landscape of cyber threats. Our IT Specialists provide practical advice, real-world case studies, and encourage attendee engagement to enhance understanding of PHIPA and its implications. To register for our webinar please click on the link below.
Tuesday May 20, 2025
The webinar “Preparing for the Worst: A PHIPA Breach Tabletop Exercise” equips healthcare providers with the skills needed to handle potential data breaches under the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). Participants engage in a simulated breach scenario, where they practice essential response actions, such as containment, notification, and investigation. The exercise emphasizes the importance of preparedness and swift decision-making to minimize the impact of breaches. Our specialists share best practices, highlight common pitfalls, and encourage interactive discussions to enhance participants’ readiness for real-world incidents, ensuring the security of patient information. To register for this webinar please click on the link below.
Viruses constantly evolve and modern antivirus primarily focuses on actions performed by executable files. Huntress protects users from shady email attachments, unpatched vulnerabilities, malicious web content, tainted USB Drives, and traditional threats.
Ransomware attacks in SaaS applications are on the rise! As more businesses move their data to the cloud, it’s crucial to be able to secure that data from ransomware and other threats. We’ve launched this SaaS webinar to educate businesses about data loss in the cloud.
If you missed out on one of our events, don’t worry! We have recordings for you to watch on demand.
Tue, Mar 18, 2025 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
PHIPA compliance is mandatory for any organization which collects, uses and discloses the personal health information of their clients. In this 40-Minute Webinar Brock-IT’s Senior System Administrator Jonathan Bullock will be covering the basics of the Compliance Legislation, the penalties for noncompliance, and how those policies can be interpreted and implemented from an IT standpoint. Providing decision makers with the information they need to ensure that the correct policies are in place, protecting themselves from a liability standpoint, and ultimately the resident’s data.
RhynoGUARD™ MDR goes beyond traditional MSSP or IR services to provide a continuous end-to-end approach that detects malicious threats earlier, provides comprehensive analysis faster, and delivers actionable guidance for future prevention based on intelligence gained every time.
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It’s Brock IT’s mission to improve the productivity and efficiency of your enterprise. We save you resources and protect you from downtime. We handle technology. You run the business. Send us an email, and let’s get started.